News Archive

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Oleinitec exclusive distributor for Mantech. PeCOD, environmentally friendly and quick analysis of NOM / COD

Mantech has appointed Oleinitec to exclusive distributor in Sweden. Mantech has a long tradition of supplying analytical equipment to water and waste water.

With Mantech’s new PeCOD product, we will be able to offer a unique instrument for measuring COD and NOM. PeCOD® eliminates the use of mercury and potassium dichromate. Safe for both the environment and the analyst. PeCOD presents the result within 15 minutes. Accurate method with a detection limit of 0.7 mg / L and upper range of 15,000 mg / L

For more information contact Tomas Boman, +46 70 688 24

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Tomas Boman joins the Oleinitec Team

Please welcome a returning co-worker to the water analysis team – Tomas Boman.  We are happy to announce that Tomas is back as Service and Sales resource in the water analysis team. Tomas, who is based in Varberg,  will be a key member in our work to enhance our customer support. Tomas has a long-appreciated experience and knowledge in the field.

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FT-IR and Raman microscopy seminars in Copenhagen

Thermo Scientific and Oleintec will give two full-day seminars covering theory and practical sessions in FT-IR and Raman microscopy. The seminars will be held at Scandic Sydhavnen in Copenhagen the 29th and 30th of May.

For more information and registration please follow the link below or contact Erik Lindstedt.

Join us at our Spectroscopy Microscopes Events in Copenhagen here:

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Award for BactoSense

BactoSense TCC – aqua pro gaz Innovation Award 2018 for SIGRIST-PHOTOMETER AG and technology partner bNovate

The trade fair aqua pro gaz takes place every two years and is the only trade fair in Switzerland for experts from the water, gas and sewage industry. BactoSense fulfilled the strict criteria: a real innovation in the technical, industrial and business sense; real added value for the users and operators; launch on the Swiss market at least one month before the trade fair is opened. Our device was unanimously awarded the Innovation Award 2018 by the jury.

Photo: Simon Kuenzi, CEO bNovate and
René Gehri, Area Sales Manager


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Welcome to our new home page

Welcome to our new home page. Purpose to offer you an easier way to navigate and find your subject. You can search you subject via three different methods:

  • Products A – Z For product group or parameter
  • Gas-, Liquid- Material-analysis For analysis area
  • Industries For specific industry and analysis

Some few segments are not fully covered in this first version, and some material might still be in Swedish. Please contact us for more information in that case. Either via the “More info” button in the down right corner or contact respective sales person directly. You will find the contact info under “About us” and “The Team”.

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Oleinitec and Gerhardt participate in the EUBCE Stockholm Conference

Stockholmsmässan arrange this year’s European Biomass Conference, June 12 to 15. The European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBCE) is a world-class annual event which, since 1980, is held at different venues throughout Europe.

The EUBCE covers the entire value chain of biomass to conduct business, network, and to present and discuss the latest developments and innovations, the vision is to educate the biomass community and to accelerate growth. The EUBCE will host a dynamic international Exhibition for companies and research labs to showcase their latest products and bringing scientists, technologists and key players together with leading Biomass industries and organizations.

You are welcome to visit us in booth E3, where you will meet personnel from Gerhardt Analytical Systems and Oleinitec as well see and get demonstrations on products as Dumatherm, Vapodest and Fibertherm.

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Gerhardt Analytical Systems har utsett Oleinitec till ny exklusive distributör

Från och med 1 november så är Oleinitec Nordic AB ensam leverantör av Gerhardts produkter i Sverige.


Gerhardts är en av världens ledande utvecklare och tillverkare av analyssystem för livsmedel och djurfoder, råvaror och växtmaterial. System som kompletteras med tjänster och basprodukter för laboratoriearbete. Gerhardts instrument kännetecknas av tillförlitlighet och precision – sedan 1846. Vi är stolta och glada över att Gerhardt har valt Oleinitec som partner i Sverige.

Bland instrumenten finner man analyssystem för:

För mer information kontakta Ove Söderberg:

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Invitation to Global Materials Science Research Seminar Series at DTU

Oleinitec Nordic and Thermo Scientific invites to a one day seminar at DTU Lyngby, DK, October 12

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Analyzing Organic and Inorganic Materials – Register today

Bringing insights and experience to materials science and engineering through this free one-day seminar.

Combined inorganic and organic materials are driving much of materials science research, from the use of organic LEDs and FETs, to printed electronics, to the introduction of graphene and carbon composites into everyday materials. However, these compounds present a challenge for many analytical techniques.

Raman spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, among other techniques, are particularly useful in looking at both organic and inorganic compounds.

We include lunch and ample time for discussions with colleagues and our experts.

Agenda Topics
– What do spectroscopic techniques tell you?
– Understanding molecular and crystalline orientations
– Characterizing graphene and other carbon materials
– Analyzing composites and polymers
– Probing multi-layer organic and inorganic materials

Techniques Addressed
– Raman Spectroscopy
– Infrared Spectroscopy
– X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
– Polymer Compounding & Rheology
– X-Ray Diffraction

When: 2016-10-12
Time: 09:00 – 16:00

Where: Lyngby, DK
Technical University of Denmark
348 Ørsteds Plads
DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby

Register today!
Last day for registration: 2016-10-05