Oleinitec Nordic Introduces HAAKE™ MARS™ iQ Rotational Rheometer From Thermo Scientific
We at Oleinitec Nordic are proud to present the HAAKE™ MARS™ iQ Rotational Rheometer.
This Rotational Rheometer delivers more iQ for your QC. It is flexible and is easy to use for your daily quality control processes. You can choose between air-bearing or ball-bearing and the rheometer is fully software controlled using Thermo Scientific™ HAAKE™ RheoWin™ PC Software optimized for a lab’s individual requirements.
Please contact the Oleinitec Nordic Team for more information about the outstanding the HAAKE™ MARS™ iQ, or ask for a demonstration at your site.
Contact: Erik Lindstedt erik.lindstedt@oleinitec.se +46 706 882403