Stability & Shelf Life

Colloidal & Physical stability analysis and shelf-life determination are key criteria in formulation studies of dispersion analysis. Turbiscan allows you to have a stability quantification without sample preparation that is up to 1,000x faster than conventional tests. Creaming, sedimentation, agglomeration, aggregation, and coalescence of even highly concentrated formulations are able to be detected, at a very early stage, without dilution or mechanical stress.

Stability kinetics analysis is provided for an efficient and reliable analysis of samples. To help evaluate the overall quality of formulations, the Turbiscan Stability Index can be calculated – quantifying the destabilization with a single number.

How does it work?

Turbiscan detects the intensity of both transmitted and backscattered light over the whole tube height named scan. These scans allow direct monitoring of local physical heterogeneities with a vertical resolution down to 20µm. This allows nascent destabilization phenomenon to be detected and monitored over time at different intervals. Scan acquisitions are repeated over time to quantify the evolution of sample destabilization.